Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Another Creative Late Night

I got my guitar last week, and boy do I look forward to praticing it every night. I'm still learning notes, so I haven't gotten to the chords lessons yet. I will say, however, that my patience of learning Yankee Doodle and Rockin' Robin is wearing thin. That 3rd string is getting easier though, and I'm definitely enjoying the whole new world of creativity and expression that I'm experiencing.

After practicing last night for a good hour or so, I sat on the couch and ended up inadvertently taking a powernap (read: fell asleep). So I woke up around 9pm, and realized that I needed to get to work... soon. You see, we had a software upgrade rollout this morning, and I had to prep the database for it, finalize code changes, etc. Well, after I was able to pull myself away from wrestling(I enjoy the sportsmanship but not the storyline or language, and yes, I'm trying to stop watching it), I got to the computer and just started knocking things out.

I work so much better in the quiet of the night than in the workday. I know, if you read the first chapter of Genesis, it states quite frequently that, "And the evening and the morning" in reference to the days. It gives you the thought that God works well in the evening too. Creative juices just seem to flow better. It doesn't state that He created the earth from 9 to 5, just kind of gives speculation that the evening was His choice time for working. Brother Rusty Strange pointed that out years ago in a service, and I don't think I'll ever forget it.

This doesn't suprise me, then, that we have similar characteristics, since we were created in His image. Sure, our nature, given the history of humanity, is not like that of God, but some of our desires, we look to have at least the creative thing in common :)

I like that. I like knowing that my Jesus is where I get some of my attributes, and where I should look to get all of them from. He's just too good to pass up :)